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What is sustainability? Sustainability is all about protecting natural resources and making sure as little damage as possible is done to the environment. It means protecting all the living creatures and biodiversity. It also means that all people and communities should be treated fairly too. It is about trying to find good ways to use natural resources and good ways to recycle and reduce waste products. Sustainable forests are very important because in the past trees were just cut down and land used for other things like pasture for sheep and cattle. Now  people have learnt we must replant and have reforestation. In some countries like Canada there are lots of sustainable forests. Here is my presentation.( Great Lakes Sustainable Forest) In Spain there are not as many , in fact only about 7% of forestland has the certificate of sustainable. This is because there are lots of small forests with private owners and it is easier to make a big area sustainable. There is a private owned
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METALS POST: The definition of metal is any of the elements with a positive electrical charge, typically with a shiny surface and a good conductor of heat. An example of metal is gold.   Types of metal -There are 2 types of metal : ferrous and non-ferrous Ferrous metals contain iron. Non-ferrous metals do not contain iron. A pure metal only consists of a single element. This means that it only has one type of atom in it. The common pure metals are:-aluminium, copper, iron, lead, zinc, tin, silver and gold. Ferrous metals are steel, cast iron and carbon steel. Ferrous metals are not malleable,( they do not bend as easily). Some ferrous metals are very strong, long-lasting, and magnetic. These characteristics are beneficial for building or for use in certain industries. Here is a steel skeleton structure used for building houses and flats.( source:   N on ferrous metals are not attracted to a magnet and they also do not rust in the same way when exp